Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Generation's Fear of Failing Marriage

Yesterday, I made my first magazine purchase in a long long time while waiting at the San Francisco Airport. This is a big deal because I love magazines but haven't been able to justify buying them with the recession and free online media; however, I left the SFO newsstand with a copy of TIME so I could read the cover story 'Unfaithfully Yours' by Caitlin Flanagan.

I'm not sure exactly WHY I bought it, but I just HAD to read the cover article. Recently with the Jon and Kate drama, watching He's Just Not That Into You at a girl's night party and attending a friend's friend's bachelorette party, I have been pondering the marriage issue and how our generation is super schizophrenic about it. At least I am.

My mom was 23 when she married my dad, and I turn 23 in November. The only thing I am looking forward to in November is a BU hockey game at MSG; but, what if I did get married in four months? I wouldn't think of it because just like me, many other 20-somethings don't think they're ready for marriage. And so, I paid $4.95 for TIME to tell me why.

Flanagan writes a clear story on a complicated issue, and I left it feeling confident that I am capable of being happily married and that the media's skewed views of marriage are the cause of my insecurities.

I highly suggest reading the article, because more often the media shows the negative sides of marriage like adultery, divorce and custody battles and not enough on the importance of staying together. Thank you TIME for seeing that married parents are role models worthy of being on a cover.
Click here for article

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